Hobby Lobby has the prettiest fall picks this year, I tucked these into my ivy wreath on my hall tree.

This small fake plant sits on top of an armoire in our basement, I love trailing fakes that look real. I picked this one up last year at Michael's for $2!

This one I call Fern in an Urn. I love putting plants into my urn collection. I have had these urns for years and am always changing them. Fakes don't look so bad when you put them in an urn. They feel more classy that way.

See another urn. This is the area we fondly call the shelf above the front door. It is very tall in our foyer so I gathered these cool twigs from the spot across the street from my parents house where I used to play while I was growing up. I was always in the woods exploring. I added a tiny nest and a few eggs, this stays up all year. I love to add some fake moss to the top of the urns, then you don't see the junk I put in the urn to make everything stand up properly.

This is our hall tree in the foyer, I had this cool simple and airy garland for summer and I just added a few picks from Hobby Lobby to dress it up for fall.

Everyone needs a fern in an urn on top of the potty. I also like to add a little ribbon to the bottoms of my urns.

This is our coffee table in the family room, I don't know why I call it that not one person in this house drinks coffee, maybe I should call it the Mountain Dew/Sprite/Sippy Cup table, that would make more sense. Anyhow, my favorite topiary sits on this one with my fake apples that the kiddos always throw at each other, see if I used real stuff, I would have apples guts all over my house!

Here is the only fake ivy I own but it is a muted pretty ivy that I just can't stand to get rid of, actually I wish I had more of it, I have moved it all over the house. I put some more of my $1.50 picks from H.L. in it for fall. Love my rooster!

I call this one topiary under glass. I love topiaries and this is the tiniest little one, I put it under the pretty cloche that I got for my birthday a few months ago at Tuesday Morning. Looks so cute in my cupboard next to my old books.

I love these dried hydranges from my yard. This crop was from about 3 years ago, I love their natural color, see, they are in another urn! Gosh, I am starting to realized that I might need some help with my urn addiction! These sit high upon my office bookshelf.

This is also in our office, I love this spiraly topiary, it really looks real, I put it in a pretty silver bowl-ish container from my sister. Think outside of the box, try putting your arrangements in your favorite vase, bowl, basket or urn of course.

I really felt uncomfortable buying melon colored tulips but they really match my pretty curtains so I went for it. I got them all for $12 at Joannes last month on their 70% off clearance sale. See the topiaries behind it, they have been in my family for a long time!

Here they are close up, I bought these at Homegoods when we moved into this house 8 years ago, I have used these all over the house as well. I think if you love something enough, you have to keep it no matter what others say. They look so proud standing next to the huge rooster my sister gave me.

Our hall tree holds this pretty ivy topiary, I know it is ivy and all but it is gorgeous in real life, I inherited this from my sister as well, she used to work at Ethan Allen and this is from there. So you know she was expensive! I like to tuck little things inside her for the season. I love the ribbon she is wearing, I got this huge roll last year at Costco for like $8 and I still have a ton left over, so pretty!
Nester is having a fun get together today over at her place. P.O.O.P.I.E stands for People Opposing Objectionable Pretend plants In the Environment. She cracks me up! That is really just a "fancy" way of saying she hates fake ivy's and stuff. However she is not opposed to using fake flowers/greenery/naturals that look nice and "real". I totally agree with her. There is a place and time for those fakey looking ivys, blue roses,( the ones with the fake rain drops on them are REALLY precious), brass containers, anything with fake pearls on fishing line, you know the stuff I am talking about. Usually found in bathrooms of the local gas station to make it look "pretty" and give the room some "warmth". Ladies, it is time to free yourselves from the bonds of plastic flowers and open up your world to greenery that actually looks real. Or at least tasteful. I love real flowers and greenery but I do not have a green thumb, and have killed every plant that I have ever tried to grow indoors. Besides, I love my fakes. I am not obsessed with having greenery all over my house but I belive a few perfectly placed items can really add something to your decor without screaming "fake". Here are a few examples from around my house.
Oh and I cannot forget the winner of my giveaway was
Blissful Nikki, she has the cutest blog! Thanks for playing along!