I love this time of year, I get really geeked up about opening windows and playing outside, I call it coming out of hibernation. I try to freshen up the inside of our house as well, I love cleaning out closets, especially our front hall closet. I remove heavy winter coats and store them in the basement, I replace them with lighter jackets. I hide hats and mittens in the bottom compartment of my hall tree, hoping that I don't have to pull them out until Novemeber! I have a shoe organizer hanging on the inside of the door and I trade out dark winter shoes for our filp flops and sandals. I also keep a few umbrellas in here as well just in case we are running out the door and it is pouring outside! My favorite Vera Bradley bags are kept in here as well, I am always on the go in the spring and summer and having a back to pack close by saves me from running upstairs to find a bag. I keep a bag ready for the baseball games as well, certain toys, markers, coloring books, snacks, bottled water, camera, etc. in this closet so I can just grab it as we run out the door. I feel so much better when I am prepared.
I also love to freshen up the inside of the house, we spend so much time outside, and I try to bring bits of spring inside as well. I love to have fresh plants, although I get neglectful, I like to find plants that are inexpensive so in case I have a fatality, I am not out lots of money! Here are some pictures of some very inexpensive ways that I have freshened up the house. Many times I am just moving things from one room to another or taking a shopping trip to my basement and giving new life to an old favorite. I have a sickness about constantly moving things around until I love it. My house is constantly changing, same stuff, just different place.