Saturday, March 13, 2010

If I come up missing, look for me here....

The stool in the middle was the only one left, it was $15!

Cool printers letters for $1 a piece

I went to my nephew's basketball game the other night and I spotted this super cool antique store, my family was on a mission to get to the game so I decided to take it upon myself and go back the next day. I am so glad that I did!! I am especially glad that I did not have to worry about my hubby sitting in the car with my kiddos waiting for me, ever so patiently I am sure!

I had heard about this store from a lady who has a super cool booth at my favorite antique mall. I was not dissapointed at all! Two whole floors of vintage goods, I did my ususal walk through and then I walked through again, and again, trying to decided on what not to get! Her prices were SO good and fair. I saw a cool vintage suitcase for $7! Seriously! She says that she likes to change things up every 3 months that is why she keeps her prices so low. She likes to sell! Love that! I found a super cute little ditty for Myah's room, I will unveil those changes in a few days! I think that the Lamb's Gate Antiques in Grand Ledge has become my new favorite place to shop for vintagey/antiquey kinds of stuff! Here are a few images from her website, yes she has a nice website that you can go and shop yourself! Aren't you lucky?!!! Go Here to visit for yourself!
And just to prove she has just about everything, who doesn't need a rare cinnamon skunk??? With a name like that it almost makes me think skunks are cute.... ok who am I kidding!

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