Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!!! Happy Valentine's Day!!

There is alot of celebrating going on around our house today!! First of all, being that we have a Chinese daughter we continue her traditions for her and celebrate the Chinese New Year or Spring Festival. It is something that she really looks forward to! We decorate our home with couplets on each side of our door, we have oranges and tangerines in bowls, we hand out red envelopes with money to the kiddos and we always eat some special Chinese dishes and Myah wears her silk dresses that we bought for her in China. I love keeping this tradition alive for her. We have a very special Chinese friend who always remembers Myah during the Chinese holidays, the other day she gave Myah a beautiful red heart box filled with 3 porcelain boxes painted with pink flowers and they were filled with special Chinese jade jewelry. We are always so touched by her generosity.

Of course we LOVE Valentine's Day around here too. Sadly, we had a snow day on Wednesday when Myah was supposed to have her party , the snow day paired with the kid's mid-winter break moves her party till next Wednesday, she was bummed! But the kids loved the snow day!! My sweet hubby has to work this weekend so there is not much in the special date night department for us but we did go out for dinner the other night. I plan on making cupcakes tomorrow with the kids, ya know, sweets for my sweeties! I hope you all have a special day, I know we will! Gung Hay Fat Choy!
The Lunar New Year dates from 2600 BC, when the Emperor Huang Ti introduced the first cycle of the Chinese zodiac.
Because of cyclical lunar dating, the first day of the year can fall anywhere between late January and the middle of February. On the Chinese calendar, 2010 is Lunar Year 4708.
On the Western calendar, the start of the New Year falls on Sunday, February 14, 2010 — The Year of the Tiger. This year, the date has special significance since it also happens to fall on Valentine's Day making it a doubly auspicious day to celebrate in the West.
Happy New Year Chinese zodiac2010 Chinese horoscope New Year FoodsNew Year Recipes
If you were born in 914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 or 2010 - you were born under the sign of the tiger. Like the tiger, you are one of the most caring and thoughtful signs in the Chinese zodiac. You have a lot to say on the best way to right society's wrongs, and quite capable of defending children, friends, and loved ones against all enemies.
For the tiger in 2010, any recent setbacks or obstacles can be overcome, so look forward to a year in which to really shine, either personally or professionally.
Famous people born under the sign of the Tiger? They include Emily Bronte, Sheryl Crow, Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio, Emily Dickinson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jay Leno, Karl Marx, Marilyn Monroe, Marco Polo, Beatrix Potter, Queen Elizabeth II, and Jon Stewart.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Happy Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day to you too! :) That is so fun that you carry on her traditions. I bet she feels so special!