Friday, April 23, 2010

A Very Special "Tweet" From Layla!

I just about fell out of my seat the other day when I realized that her Highness Layla of The Lettered Cottage tweeted about my $30 office makeover! It was like gettting a letter from the queen! Just the thought of her acknowledging my little place in blogland made my day! Thanks so much Layla! She has no idea how inspiring she has been to me! Oh and just so you don't think I am "all that" I really have no idea what tweeting is, thanks to a comment from one of you, I went on and checked it out! Now that looks like fun!


The Brick Cottage said...

haha, that's so funny! Yes, join Twitter, it can be fun (although I'm still learning how to use it). I'm really glad Layla tweeted about it because in doing so I found your fabulous blog!

Teresa M. said...

I love your blog!! You are very talented in interior design! Beautiful family--stunning little girl! I am wanting to adopt a girl from Korea (to go with my 5 boys!!) I'm praying that the Lord will work on my husband's heart. I noticed on Myah's blog an ornament that was handpainted (maybe by your mother-in-law?). Does she do that for others (etsy?). I would love to have one and it would make a great Christmas present for family. Thanks!!