Ok this post will change your impression of me I am certain. To those of you who know me personally you know that I have a reputation for getting good deals and I am not afraid to walk up to a scary house to get one, or to walk into a thrift store, second hand store, Salvation Army etc. I have no pride where finding cool stuff for my house is concerned. Things that are pretty much junk to others are treasures to me. Hence my new title: Garbage picker!!! Yes I did. I did it. I was in a super cool little downtown area and saw people going through stuff at the curb so I just HAD to see what all the commotion was about. After they had cleared I stuck my neck out the window of my hubby's truck, (thankfully I had that today) and just about hit a parked car when I saw the coolest stuff just sitting in the street! I didn't even care if people had to wait to go around me while I loaded my treasure up! Trust me, I am sure the guys inside are telling a story at the dinner table tonight about the crazy little lady who lifted that thing all by herself! It was super heavy but I was determined to get it into the truck, I think I have a hernia and have re-activated my hemorrhoids (sorry but us garbage pickers can talk like this, ya know, in the gutter talk), plus as the day goes on I feel every muscle in my stomach and chest area starting to ache! But I did it!!! My sweet hubby even tried to help me lift it and I think I surprised him with my strength, and when Dayton got home I tried to have him lift it...he could not budge it! I was a woman on a mission! I would have loved to have room for the other one (there were two) and another super cool locker cabinet, oh where is my brother in law and his semi when I need him? As soon as I left I saw another truck pull up and take the others. That is
ok, I got the best one, I made sure of that! So I got this for free!!!! Yippee! And yesterday at a yard sale this super nice lady was selling cool windows and screens for a dollar a piece! Yup, you guessed it, the screen was only a buck! And everything else I already had. So for the grand total of 100 pennies I re-made my foyer and I love it! I cleaned it up really good, you should have seen the spider nests in it! And as a bonus it was filled with some super old tags and papers. Oh and a swine flu
flyer from 1976, I didn't even know it existed back then! So for now I have loaded my mittens, scarves, hats, umbrellas and rain gear in it, I love having a place to keep all of that stuff! I am so happy (and sore) with my new treasure, I am not sure how many times I will go garbage picking but I am pretty sure I will start looking now! To all my family and friends, I apologize for any
embarrassment that this brings you, I promise I will never give you a gift that I found in the garbage!

Apparently, these are now my people, I am one of them. See them taking the other things that I wanted but did not have the room or strenth for! What a lucky lady, she has a truck and two guys! You think Mark will want to start joining me on my little trips?! I highly doubt it!
This screen is the only thing I purchased for my foyer, the rest was free, a gift, or I already had it in storage. It cost me a whole dollar!

( The Foyer Before) This Hall Tree was a great find about 12 years ago for $50, it was oak and I gave it a white treatment when we moved into this house. I change the decor out on this
alot, I have wanted a storage piece for this area but it is an awkward little space and not very wide so I needed something kind of narrow and tall. (this photo is from a few years ago)
The foyer now! My free, junk picked, super cool cabinet!!!
Love this screen, I am not sure if I should keep everything green or give it my signature white touches, what do you think?
I love this, I have had it for a while, my son Dayton has been #8 on every team he has ever been on so I just had to have it!
I am sure I will change this up a bit but what fun I will have playing with this new piece!
Super neat (and heavy) pull out drawers, six of them to be exact! The drawers are like file cabinet drawers on heavy duty rollers, very sturdy. I could use it to hold weapons or something like that (hee hee). The sides are off white and the drawers are green, not sure if I want to paint it or not.
It is hard to get a good shot in this really narrow space sorry! ! It is a good size, it stands about 4 feet tall!
See I have already fussed a bit more and put my magnolia twigs on here! Loving this!!!