This is what I gave my neighbors, I saw it on someone's blog and thought how perfect!! So many of us get way too many cookies around this time of year, so I figured they could bake these at their convenience when all of the Christmas cookies are long gone. It is just a tube of cookie dough wrapped up in a piece of scrapbook paper, tied up with a tube of green or red writing gel and a holiday inspired cookie cutter. I finished it off with a sweet sentiment from our family. They all have loved them!

We all were rooting for her, now her album has gone crazy on the charts, this is a great gift for your moms or Grandma's who have everything.

It would not be Christmas around our house without reading the Robert
Sabuda book, The Night Before Christmas, if you have never heard of him you must check him out. These pop up books are like nothing you have ever seen. He is from our tiny town so he is pretty big around here but I know he is a nationally known author/creator. This is a book that you will keep out all year round. He has several books available as well, you will love him I promise!

This book is a great addition to your personal library. I am halfway through my copy. The story is amazing just like everything else Mitch
Albom writes. He is also a local guy so I went to Borders a few weeks ago and had him autograph a few copies for me. He talked about what brought him to write this book and I ended up buying a few more copies as I stood in line. He said people from all over the world are sending money into a fund for a church in Detroit to fix a huge gaping hole, this is a church that does many good things for the homeless. The day before I met him he said they just dedicated the new roof with a huge plaque covering the hole with
everyone's names who have sent in funds to fix it, he said he received anywheres from a quarter to thousands of dollars. He is a neat guy and is very passionate about helping the homeless. This book will move you!

Me and Mitch!

Lightroom is something I recommend for anyone who takes pictures. Pro or not, it is a wonderful program by Adobe(
Photoshop). It can change the exposure on any picture and make it brighter, which I love and you can also use actions in this program. It is a great program for the price. I also have the big
Photoshop program and it is way more easy to use than CS4! The best part is that you can go to Adobe's website and use a trial version for 30 days. I did and realized I could not live without it. However with a price of $299 it was not in my budget. Then I did some research and learned that I could get a student version from online educational websites who sell software for a student price, $99!!! If you have a child enrolled in school k-college you qualify for this special price. Check it out!! I found mine at
http://www.journeyed.com/, this is a wonderful gift I think!!!

I found these guys the other day singing on some ice skating program. I am in love with their sound. Just beautiful music! I found them on Amazon and on
Itunes. They have a gorgeous rendition of
Hallelujah, I am playing it over and over again.I have so many wants but not many needs, I am so blessed with a wonderful family and great friends, a warm home and food on my table. I am very blessed and cannot ask for anything. However, these are little things that have inspired me and I just thought I would pass them on to all of you!
Love your gift suggestions:0
I cannot believe you met Mitch Albom. I really admire him....someone just gave me the 5 people you meet in heaven (with a gift receipt ) and since I have already read that one (years ago)...I will exchange it for this new one. Thanks.
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