will he every be the same as he was before this happened? I am sure that with time, exercise and determination he will have full range of motion. I am just worried about his "e"motions after going through all of this. Can he keep his spirits up for another 6 weeks? Will he need the screws taken out in a year? What if he doesn't have them removed? Not that this is our only concern but will he ever want to play baseball again? Do I want that for him? Two summers in a row of being laid up, it is worth it? Not sure. We do not know what is to come, we just take it day by day but I have to wonder, will things ever be the same?
I drove through a small town in our area yesterday that was hit very hard by a tornado, this is a place that we as a family have as our "go to" place when we want to take a day and get out of here for a while. I drop the guys off at Cabela's and I go to the candle/antique store and wander for a while. I was amazed at the devastation that took place during the storm. People were left with nothing, some that looked like that did not have much to start with. My heart just broke as I drove through the town, I was really just speechless, and I wondered to myself, will things ever be the same for these people? When the next storm approaches, what kind of fears must they face?
Santa Rosa Beach April 2010
I sure have alot to be thankful for, believe me I have really taken a close look at myself lately, especially while staying at the Children's Hospital for 5 days. Seriously, there are some real heros in this world. I cannot help but count my blessings every day, sometimes it takes your world turning upside down for you to realize what really matters in life. It really is the "little things" that mean the most. I have been the recipient of some very gracious "little things" lately and it just makes me want to do the same for others. I am not sure of what my heart is tugging at just yet, but I know I am changed, I want to help others in some capacity. I would love to volunteer at the hospital in some way, I love to smile and make people happy, I would love to breathe a bit of sunshine into their lives. What ways do you help others? Any good ideas out there? I would love to hear them. I do know one thing... I will never be the same.
You have such a big beautiful heart Leslie....just had to tell you that.
Hope your guy is feeling better! I feel your pain on things changed. I too pray everyday for all of those people. There seems to be so many disasters natural and man made lately and it just breaks my heart! We too feel in love with the gulf coast abt 6 years ago and were mentally making plans to one day actually purchase our home there. It is a family tradition of ours to go every year and so it was making sense for us to want to have our own place to bring our grandkids to. A place full of beauty and peacefullness. There is nothing like that area. We always stayed in Perdido Key. We just got back from the area last week and the oil had made its way as far as Destin so we were deeply saddened by this. Our area was devastated by the oil. By midweek the winds shift and pushed the oil back towards the west and we hold some glimmer of hope...not much...that just maybe a little piece of heaven will be spared so we can continue our tradition and so that no more lives will be disrupted by this tragic tragic event! Our hearts go out to all those involved!! Again hope your son is feeling better after his surgery!
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