Cause if you are I really really really want these!!!! The "can't get them out of my mind" want them. They would be perfect on my cold leather couch for the long winter months coming up!!! Plus they would go well with my all white -ish color scheme that I am trying to pull off. I am wanting to bring a lighter feel to my dark furniture. I think these would really help. Oh and I stood in Pottery Barn the other day rubbing that blanket and, oh my, is it the softest blanket that I have ever seen (or felt)! And if I have to keep going back to get my soft blanket fix they are going to start looking at me like I am a strange PB stalker or something.
You are SO funny. I felt that blanket too ad it is lovely. I can just imagine how cozy your house is going to be this winter. I wish I could show up with these and cuddle up on your couch for a long talk and cup of hot tea:)
P.S. If the PB fairy happens to throw any your way, would you direct them next to my house...they fit my all ivory scheme too:)
Hahaha! Those do look so warm and comforting!
New to your blog- just love it! Oh how these look so comfy, cozy and amazing! Have a great weekend :) XOXO
Man, maybe I should go check this blanket out......I'm all about the cozy/comfy warmth as well. ....I want some of those lovely pillows as well, I actually posted about them a while back.
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