Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Milk Glass

I am lucky enough to have a collection of my Grandmother's milk glass. I love the simple elegance of it. She used it for all special occasions. I will pick up a piece here and there if I find a pretty one at a garage sale or while I am thrifting. They are actually pretty inexpensive.. My favorite piece is one that she gave me years ago, a cake stand with beautiful ruffled edges. I love to display it in my vintage cupboard.


Shannon said...

Oh! I too, love milk glass. I've been collecting some of the hobnail pieces. How did you get yours so clean??? They look great!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

For a moment I thought you had snuck into my mom's house. She has tons of it--including several of the pieces in the photo. I can remember my dad and I going to flea markets looking for it when I was in junior high and high school.

Thanks for a taste of home...


Jboo said...

That is very pretty -- I didn't know that is what they called it -- Milk Glass! Very elegant, indeed!


Kim said...

I see some of my grandma's pieces in your photo's as well. My mom still uses several of her pieces that were my grandma's, which bring back such sweet memories from when I was little. Thanks for the walk down memory lane!

Football and Fried Rice said...

I love milk glass too (though the only pieces I have are still at my Mom's!!)

3 Peanuts said...

Beautiful. I love milk glass too!


Lori said...

Your collection is beautiful!