Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sheet Music and Ironstone....together at last!

Do you ever have a little project that takes just minutes to accomplish but you just put it off for like oh, let's say a year because you just don't want to do it???  Well, this little 5 minute project was just that.  I have had my  white cupboard for years and it came with  green paint on the inside,  I enjoyed the green and really did not want to paint over it, ( just yet!) but I was ready for a change.  I have seen people take vintage sheet music and line cupboards with them, I have had a ton of sheet music  that was my grandmothers, I had the notion to line the backs of my shelves  in this cupboard for years.  It wasn't until I moved this cupboard back out into my breakfast nook a few weeks ago that the green really stood out against all of my white decor.  Then I went to the coolest barn sale and acquired all of this ironstone for pennies, as soon as I saw it I knew it would go into that cupboard.  After living with it for a few days I realized that I wanted to try displaying the collection against a lighter background, but lazy me did not want to paint.  So I finally decided to get out a roll of packaging tape, my sheet music and go to town.  Five minutes later I had the look I was going for!  Why did I wait so long???  And it is only a temporary fix, if I don't like it I can just pull it down. Easy as that! It definately fits into my all white/creamyish scheme and reminds me of my family's love for music at the same time.  I am a sentimental person if you have not already figured that out about me, I love to surround my  family with mementos from our past by displaying them in our home, I believe it keeps sweet memories alive. 


Dear Lillie said...

First, I LOVE this! And second, yes, I know how that is!!!! I have so many of those projects on my list! Things that will only take a few minutes but for some reason I keep putting them off! Maybe this will get me moving - haha!

Sharon said...

So pretty!!

Anonymous said...

you have been such a busy bee with all of this decorating! Your house is just turning out to be so awesome!

3 Peanuts said...


NanaDiana said...

I loveit and what a find!!! (the ironstone). I have project like that too and I could just beat myself for putting them off...and then when I finally DO them I am even madder for waiting so long. they say at all those addiction meetings- You Are Not Alone! Diana

Rozmeen said...

Wow just a stunning combination those white ironstone kitchenware with the old music sheets!

Have a lovely weekend!

Farmgirl Paints said...

It really just makes it. I need to remember this. LOVE IT!!!

Chris at Red Gate Farm said...

This is so pretty. I really love how sheet music and old book pages are working their way into decorating ideas!

Heaven's Walk said...

Hi Leslie! What an adorable idea! I love the music sheets behind that white ironstone! It really looks French-inspired! Very pretty!

xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

Vivre Le Jour said...

I really like what you create with white and creamy colors! I am going to try this neat decor idea as soon as I find some sheet music. Thank you for the inspiration, I am your newest follower.

Kara :)