Friday, March 5, 2010

A Few of my Favorite Things!

We interrupt the house tour to bring you the following messages: heee he

I have a few things that I am obsessed with lately and I just had to pass these good things on! This first item is something that I can wake up in the middle of the night, turn over and look at my clock and wish it was time to rise so that I can enjoy these!!!!!!!! Panera's Cinnamon Crunch Bagel with Honey Walnut reduced fat cream cheese spread. I am not kidding, they are like a dessert to me. I have given up eating so many of my favorite things this past year due to my stomach issues. This is sweet as candy for me!!! I litterally almost cried when I sent Dayton in the other evening to pick me up a few and he said that they were sold out!!! So warning, if you live in my area, please make sure you leave enough for me too!!!

I know this saying is everywhere right now but I went into my local Barnes and Noble and they are carrying a whole line of this and the pink cupcake version too. I purchased this little book for a special person in my life and I have been peaking through it until I deliver it to its new owner. I think I need to get one of my own! I love quotes and phrases and this book is filled with little ditties for many stages in ones life that might need a little pick me up. I LOVE it !!!
Here are a few of my favorites from the pages of the book. It was publised by Andrews McMeel Publishing and cost $8.99, a great little gift to keep on hand I think!!! Loving this one for obvious reasons!!
Isn't that the truth!

This reminds me of my sweet bloggy friends! Love both of these!!
Sounds so inspiring doesn't it!!!
I think this is my current state of mind!!!
My number one favorite!!!!!! I need to post this everywhere! I love this soap and rarely do I splurge on it for myself, it is so gentle on my sensitive skin! Lucky for me (and you) Marshall's has a small supply on hand for $6.99, a huge savings!!! I am stocking up when they get it in, I swear the people who live around here just don't like the things I do, this is such a great deal and yet there is always plenty there for weeks! Lucky me! My sister Melanie made these for me this week!!! She is so talented and has taught herself how to sew, she painted these with letters and numbers that had meaning to me!!! I put them on my hall tree and I love them so much!!!

I saved the best for last!!! My sweet little Myah can write!!! The other day she wrote my name without even asking me how to spell my name!! I will treasure this forever!!! Right now it has the distinct honor of gracing my fridge for all to see!!! Oh and I can't leave my Dayton out! Today he received his learners permit for driving! After completing his month long classes we went to the SOS today and got his permit!!! My life will never be the same, I swear that his driving is taking years off of my life!! Just kidding....well kinda!


Melanie said...

Those do look like the bagels I saw at Kroger... if Panera runs out.. I'll make a bagel run for you!:D

Love the hand soap. I have purchased every bottle I see at Marshall's . And I love that book!!!!

See you tomorrow, SIS!!!


Alicia said...

I recently discovered your blog, and I'm addicted! I would LOVE to tour your home! What I've seen in pictures is awe inspiring! I've copied a few little things you've done, like the twigs, and I love it! I'm inspried to go vintage shopping! I can't wait to see what else you come up with! Oh, I love the quotes too!! I'm going to be out tomorrow, and I'm going to run to barnes and noble for that book! Thank you for sharing!

Bohemian chic said...

Love the pillows!

Olga said...

Those bagles look scruptious...I'm going to have to run out and get me one or some LOL! I love the book with all the quotes too.