Cabin fever has set in up here in the ol north! We have had over a foot and a half of snow at my house since Monday. Now I am a Michigander, I am used to having alot of snow but this year was unusual in that we had no snow till almost mid December. And not much of it at that. But lately, geesh, we have been hammered, so much so that this little lady did not leave the house unless I absolutley had to, (ie, picking up my son from drivers ed, taking my daughter to and from preschool). The roads have been awful, it snows from sun up to sun down, I am not kidding! So I have rearranged my house AGAIN, painted just about every piece of furniture I own white, scrubbed the baseboards, doors, and trim, watched more episodes of the Bachelor, American Idol, House Hunters and Barefoot Contessa than I care to admit and I am really suffering from a serious case of "needing to get out of here!!!" I am a homebody by nature but I have seen enough of my home to last me a year at this point. So on Thursday they called for a break in the snow and it actually did not snow like they said is was going to until late that night so my hubby kicked me out WITHOUT Myah and said go have fun. I hit every one of my favorite little shops within a 15 mile radius. I was on a mission! I love downtown Plymouth and headed there first, I am always inspired when I go into
Haven, their vintage pieces are soooo cool, so I hung out in there for a while and purchased an old locker bin. It was so funny because it was like all of us ladies were coming out of hibernation, we were so glad to have a sunny day without the snow blowing us in the face, it was busier in there than I have ever seen it on a weekday. I wandered around the downtown area for a while, enjoying every minute of this day. I left that area and headed into Northville to a few of my favorite consignment shops. Would you believe that I found a few items in there that were originally from Haven! My lucky day! I then proceeded to run into Costco, Panera for my new obsession that I will post about later, Target and Trader Joe's all within about 1/2 an hour. I had Dayton's bat bag in my car so unfortunately I had to cut my day short so he could have it for practice. As I was leaving I just happened to see a few helicopters flying overhead, one was a huge military type. I turned on the am radio news and it told me that there was a serious police situation in Downtown Plymouth and they had the area shut down. They mentioned all of the streets that I had just walked down as being closed. Apparently a man was walking around downtown with a gun, shooting into the ground, he shot at least 4 times and even walked into a Tea store. I was right there just an hour before hand. Literally feet from where this man was taken into custody. He apparently was mental and considered suicidal. Let's just say, I felt very uneasy when I heard this news. He was arrested in a parking ramp behind Haven. I was having a hard time finding a place to park out front and almost parked in that ramp. But something told me that it was too darn cold to walk so try to circle around and wait for a spot out front. So I did. Thankfully. God was watching over me. I told my mom about it that night and she gasped and said "Leslie, you have guardian angels watching over you", I sure do.
You see, this stuff happens to Mark and I on a regular basis. I don't know why but we are a magnet to these type of situations. Thankfully Mark is a police Lt. so I feel protected when he is with me. We always joke that we leave a path of destruction behind us. Seriously, we have driven down expressways only to find out that a semi jack knifed behind us, ( ok, more than once), we even drove through Tennesse once on our way to Florida and 2 hours later the expressway washed down the mountain leaving our friends looking for alternative routes. I sadly could go on and on! Even this past week I found our old video of Sea World and sure enough, we have video of the trainer and THE whale that were involved in that tragic accident in Orlando, Dayton was obsessed with killer whales and we paid to have Dinner with Shamu, Tillilcum was the featured whale and his trainer Dawn was working with him, I have video of him coming right up near our table. Even when we were in China adopting Myah, a day after we left out of Tokyo Japan the Koreans launched a missle over Japan. Come on already!!!!!!!! So please don't let this discourage you from being my friend, I am a very nice person and fun to be around, and I would never put you in harms way just so I can buy a piece of someone's old junk if you hung around me. I pinky swear!!!
Before you think I have some special "voodoo" powers, I want to point out that I actually do nice things for nice people, like sweet little
Shannon who is having her first little tiny baby boy, she has been such a special bloggy friend so I sent her a package the other day with some things that I thought looked like her. She was kind enough to post about it today on her blog over
here. (You know I am kidding, I do nice things just cause, not so someone will write something nice about me!!! Hee hee! )
P.S. I would love to "meet you" so please leave a comment so I can stalk, umm I mean visit you, just KIDDING!!! No really, I love comments and I am lonely up here in the northwoods all alone with no friends and... ok, that is a lie too, I am just desperate to interact with people can you tell!!!!!!