The dining room is always my favorite place to change with the seasons. I added lots of greens and glass. It looks so fresh.

I took a huge framed family picture and propped it up with an antique mirror that I found in my travels for $4. I love the cloche with the tiny topiary in it, I put it on top of a new tray that I found at Violet's Blue (my favorite store!)

You must know me well enough by now to know that I change things ALOT! I decided to bring some summer elements into my decor. I love all things natural so it was easy for me to walk around my house and steal pieces from other rooms to put in my family room/kitchen area. I love blues, browns and whites so I made that my "theme". I love the fresh new look! I have been garage saling again and have come across some cool things. Have you found any good stuff lately? I have gotten very choosy in what I purchase but I can't tell you how many good things are out there. Seriously, you could re do a whole room for pennies.
Sorry that I have not been a great blogger, it has been another crazy month for us, my husband's step father died suddenly 3 weeks ago. I have also been taking care of my own health for the first time in a long time and you would be proud of me! Lots of Doctor appts. but that is good, I need to get answers and feel good. Decorating is my therapy, I have finally had the energy to change things up a bit and it makes me happy. Summer is here and in a day and a half Dayton will be out of school, I will have a freshman in the fall! Yikes! I cannot wait to spend time with my family over the summer, we need to get the boat wet, this weather has not been cooperating! Today it is rainy and 59 degrees, as I type I am watching Footloose, boy does that bring back memories! I was the same age as Dayton when it came out! I forgot that Sarah Jessica Parker was in it! I love her!
Well, I will sign off for now, I promise to bring more to this blog in the future! I am working on my flower garden so hopefully I can get some good pictures of it soon! I am so ready to spend time outside!
Well, I will sign off for now, I promise to bring more to this blog in the future! I am working on my flower garden so hopefully I can get some good pictures of it soon! I am so ready to spend time outside!
I love the tablescape in your dining room. That huge window is perfect!
Hi Leslie! What a beautiful job you do with your decorating. I love your style!
Yay! I'm so glad you posted! :) I love your posts. Everything looks beautiful!! I love all of the beach and summery touches. You have the best pieces and the best frames!
Ohhhhh, just gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing and I love the window as well.
I love how you've feathered your nest!
Love your decorating and style! Really love the family photos too. We have the same urn topiaries as the one on the table by your staircase.
Popped in from SITS! I love all the shells!
You have such great ideas. I wish I had half of your talent. I really like your lighting and I should know becuase I am in the lighting biz.
Love that monogrammed pillow! Good gift to yourself. ; )
Thank you for praying for me, Leslie. It meant so much!
GOD you bless you this summer day!
Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful...where did you find your lovely chandy over your table?
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